Best friends

Best friends

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


I never did complete our journey so here goes. Our last few days consisted of mostly driving although we managed to make a few stops and add some fun along the way. Steve wanted to go to four corners on the way home. So after four hours of driving on a fairly deserted and remote road we arrived at our destination.  The road in was unpaved, rocky, and full of bumps and holes. As it is not run by the govt. it is fairly rough and unimpressive as you drive in. The monument or area itself is surrounded by four sides of stall like structures where the Native Americans can sell their, crafts, shirts, etc. the four states come together in the center of this open structure where all four state flags are displayed as well as the American flag. The four states are Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. We took a few pictures and then we're on the way again. Another 4 hours to our destination. We found the cute little tourist town of Moab, Utah where we took a short gelato break. It would have been a fun town to stay in but we had to get a bit farther down the road. It was close to Arches National Park so had lots of restaurants and hotels as well.  We arrived in Price, Utah late...grabbed a few things at Walmart and called it a night. Steve was really starting to not feel too well so we are glad to be heading home. We started out early Wednesday morning for Meridian Idaho where we stay and have dinner with my nephew, Austin and his sweet girlfriend, Aubri. It was a long day of driving but we enjoyed seeing mountains and evergreen trees again! We drove town a bit and gone settled before dinner. Austin and Aubri shared one of their favorite places...Hawaiian BBQ. We had a great meal and a nice visit! 
I was so looking forward to Thursday morning because I was getting together with Kristi Miller for coffee, I had taught with dear Kristi at Kings. Her family had moved to Idaho last Spring. We had such a great time catching up and I understand why they moved...the area is lovely!  We got a late start but we were determined to get home that night. Poor Steve continued to feel poorly but managed to keep going! We stopped and stretched a bit along the way and walked around Baker city a bit before we stopped for gas in Yakima. We drove into our driveway just after 9pm. We had driven 9500 miles and we're gone 51/2 weeks. After unpacking the car with the help of Donald and Bethany, Steve headed for bed and stayed there or in his chair for a few days as the flu bug had hit...mine came a few days later! We had just completed an amazing journey where we witnessed Gods amazing handiwork first hand and experienced His protection and blessings daily. We are truly thankful!